Category: Non classé

Gefluc – Les entreprises contre le cancer

Myriam Reffay has just received funding from Gefluc Paris – IDF (Groupement des Entreprises Françaises dans la Lutte contre le Cancer) for her project entitled: ‘Probing mechanical properties during tumor invasion across scales’.

Leaflet on model 3D muscle tissues by Christina Rostaing (student EPSAA)

Christina Rostaing, student EPSAA, realizes this very nice leaflet on our research after an internship in our group. Thank you Christina and congratulations!

Irène Nagle Winner of the L’Oréal Young Talents Prize

Irene was awarded for her work on the mechanical properties of muscle and for highlighting the role of mechanical stress in muscle differentiation by the L’Oréal-Unesco foundation. The announcement of the prize and the presentation of the 35 brilliant laureates can be found at here. Congratulations Irène!!! Bravo Irène !!!